Rosaline Pollard - Lead Pharmacist at Worthing Hospital

The last few weeks have placed enormous pressure on the whole team and everyone has really pulled together to provide patients the best service possible despite the circumstances. At Western Sussex Hospitals we have a saying of “Patient First” and now more than ever we are seeing this in practice.
It has been incredibly busy at work with people working in areas or wards they are not usually based and patients presenting with a condition we do not have a huge amount of information on.
I have 2 young children (a 2.5 year old and a 1 year old); they and my husband moved out of the family home for just over a month to enable me to work whatever hours were required while protecting my family from the virus. I missed them hugely and is a sacrifice that not many people would have to make while doing something as simple as going to work.
What has kept me motivated is seeing patients get well and be able to return home to their families. In addition once our numbers started to fall it was one step closer to having my own family home.